120+ Bengali Phrases for Travelers | Learn Bengali Language

120+ Bengali Phrases for Travelers | Learn Bengali Language

June 13, 2024   Bangladesh,Phrases for Travelers

Bengali is spoken by around 280 million people around the world. It is the 5th most spoken native language by the total number of speakers in the world. If you are visiting Bangladesh, or India (Kolkata and Agartala) you should learn Bengali. This article contains 120+ essential Bengali phrases for travelers and is the easiest way to learn Bengali language.

You can copy and paste these phrases into Google Translate to hear pronunciation.

Read my Bangladesh Travel Guide before making a trip to Bangladesh

12 Basic Bengali Travel Phrases

These are the basic Bengali travel phrases that you will need to use every day while traveling to Bangladesh, Kolkata, or Agartala. It is the first step to learning the Bengali language.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
Hello/Hiহ্যালো / হাইHello / Hai
Thank You!ধন্যবাদDhonno-bad or Thank You!
Yesহ্যাঁHa or Yes
NoনাNa or No
Pleaseঅনুগ্রহ করেDoya korun or Please
Excuse me/ Sorryদুঃখিত / দুঃখিতDukkhito or Excuse me/ Sorry
How are you?আপনি কেমন আছেন?Apni kemon achen?
My name is [Your Name]আমার নাম [আপনার নাম]Amar nam [Your Name]
Can you help me?আমার সাহায্য দরকারAmake aktu sahajjo korben?
I’m from [Italy]আমি [ইটালি] থেকে আসছিAmi [Italy] theke aschi
Excuse me, can you recommend a good [restaurant, hotel, tourist place] nearby?দুঃখিত, আপনি কি এইদিকের একটি ভাল [রেস্তোরাঁ, হোটেল, পর্যটক স্থান] সুপারিশ করতে পারেন?Dukkhito/Aije, apni ki ai diker valo akti [Restaurant, Hotel, Porjoton ken-dre-r] nam bolte parben?

Photo by Sharafat Siddiqui on Unsplash

8 Bengali Phrases for Question

Here are some phrases that will help you ask basic questions. Plus, these phrases can also help you form longer questions. This is how you can dive deeper into learning a new language. 1. How much is the fare? = Bhara Koto? 2. How much is the rent? = Bhara Koto?

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
How much?কত?Koto?
Where is the… ?… কোথায়?… Kothai?
How do I get to … ?… যাওয়ার উপায় কি?… a kibhabe jabo?
Do you speak English?আপনি ইংরেজি বলতে পারেন?Apni ki English bolte paren?

15 Useful Bengali Words for Travelers

These are some of the most used words that you will need. You can use English words instead of Bengali if you are in the city.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
ManপুরুষManus/ Purush
Beachসমুদ্র সৈকতBeach
FoodখাবারKhabar/ Food
WaterপানিPani/ Water
ATM boothএটিএম বুথATM booth
Currency exchangeমুদ্রা পরিবর্তনCurrency exchange

9 Most Used Bengali Pronouns

To learn Bengali language, you must learn these pronouns. These pronouns will help you form longer sentences and they are also a sentence.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
You (formal)আপনিApni
He, SheসেSe
It, ThisএটিAti

16 Essential Numerical Expressions

If you are trying to learn Bengali language but don’t pay attention to these numbers, you can’t negotiate rent or fare. You will need to use these numbers everywhere so learn them to communicate seamlessly.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
TwentyবিশBis/ Kuri

10 Emergency Bengali Phrases for Travelers

These are essential phrases you must memorize. When exploring local areas where English may not be spoken, these phrases will help you establish communication.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
I’m lostআমি হারিয়ে গেছিAmi hariyea gechi
I’m in troubleআমি সমস্যায়Ami somossai achi
Where is the police station?পুলিশ স্টেশন কোথায়?Police station kuthai?
Where is the hospital?হাসপাতাল কোথায়?Hospital Kuthai?
Where is the bathroom?বাথরুম কোথায়?Bathroom kuthai?
Where is the (American) Embassy?(আমেরিকান) দূতাবাস কোথায়?(American) Embassy kuthai?
Someone stole my moneyকেউ আমার টাকা চুরি করেছেKeu amar taka chori koreche
Where are customs and immigration?কাস্টম এবং ইমিগ্রেশন কোথায়?Customs abong immigration kuthai?

11 Phrases for Sightseeing

As a traveler, these phrases will help you connect with locals while exploring or searching for attractions. There are some phrases I included to ask questions and get directions.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
I want to see [sight]আমি [জায়গা] দেখতে চাইAmi [Location Name] dekhte chai
I want to visit [Location Name]আমি [স্থানের নাম] ঘুরতে চাইAmi [Location Name] a jete chai
Tourist attractionপর্যটক আকর্ষণTourist attraction/ Dhorsonio sthan
Is there an entrance fee for this museum/park?এই যাদুঘর / পার্কে প্রবেশ ফি আছে কি?Ai Jadu-ghor/Park ar ki kono pro-bes fee ache?
What time does [tourist attraction] open/close?[পর্যটক আকর্ষণ] কখন খোলে / বন্ধ হয়?[Name] kokhon khule/bondho hoi??
Can I take photos here?আমি এখানে ছবি তুলতে পারি?Ami ki akhane chobi tulte pari?
Do you have a map or brochure of the area?আপনাদের কাছে কোন মানচিত্র বা সুচনা আছে?Apnader kache jaiga-tir kono map ba brochure ache?
Is there a guided tour available?কি গাইডেড টুর্ আছে?Akhane ki guided tour ache?

12 Bengali Phrases to Use in Restaurants

I found these phrases helpful when dining outside tourist areas. They can help you interact more with waiters and create a friendly relationship. So, make sure to learn these phrases before your trip to Bangladesh.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
Where is the Menu?মেনু কোথায়?Menu kuthai?
What’s the local cuisine or specialty dish I should try?আপনার স্থানীয় খাবার বা বিশেষজ্ঞ ডিশ কী আছে যা আমি চেষ্টা করতে পারি?Apnader local khabar ba special khabar ki ache ja ami khete pari?
Water, Pleaseজল, দয়া করেDoya kore pani diben?
Bill, Pleaseবিল, দয়া করেBill, please
I’m a vegetarianআমি শাকাহারীAmi sudho sak-sobji khai
I’m allergic to [food]আমার [খাবার] এলার্জি আছেAmar [Food Name] e Allergy ache
I like spicy foodআমি তীক্ষ্ণ খাবার পছন্দ করিAmi mosladar khabar po-chon-do kori
I don’t like spicy foodআমি মসলাদার খাবার পছন্দ করি নাAmi mosladar khabar po-chon-do kori na
Do you have [Food Name] in your restaurant?আপনার রেস্তোরাঁতে [নাম] আছে কি?Apnader Restaurant a [Food Name] ache?

11 Bengali Phrases to Use While Shopping

Bengali shopping phrases are crucial for travelers shopping outside malls. There are many street shops in Bangladesh with handcrafted souvenirs, clothes, and more. Knowing basic phrases will help you communicate with the vendors.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
I want to buy [item]আমি [আইটেম] কিনতে চাইAmi [Item] kinte chai
How much does [this] cost?[এই] টি কত মূল্য আছে?[Name of the product] Ṭi koto?
Is there a discount?কোন ডিসকাউন্ট আছে?Kono discount ache?
Can I pay with a card?আমি একটি কার্ড দিয়ে পরিশোধ করতে পারি?Ami ki Card diye taka pori-sudh korte pari?
Cash or credit card?নগদ নাকি ক্রেডিট কার্ড?Nogod naki Credit card?
Do you have [color/size]?আপনাদের কাছে [রঙ / আকার] আছে?Apnader kache onno color/size ache?
I’ll take itআমি এটা নেবAmi ata nebo
ReceiptরশিদRosid/ Receipt
Can I try this on?আমি এটি পরীক্ষা করতে পারি?Ami ki ata pore dekhte pari?
Can you show me some [Polo shirts, T-shirts, Pants, Shorts, Shoes]?আপনি আমাকে কিছু [পোলো শার্ট, টি-শার্ট, প্যান্ট, শর্টস, শুস] দেখাতে পারেন?Apni ki amake kicho [Polo shirts, T-shirts, Pants, Shorts, Shoes] dekhate parben?

8 Phrases to Use for Directions

If you are curious to explore new or less popular places like me, you must know how to ask for directions and navigate drivers to reach your destination.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
Go straightসোজা যাওSuja jan
Turn leftবাঁদিকে মোড় মারোBame jan
Turn rightডান দিকে মোড় মারোDane jan
Stop hereএখানে থামোAkhane thamun
Where is [place]?[স্থান] কোথায়?[Location Name] kuthai?
How far is [place]?[স্থান] কত দূরে?[Location Name] koto toko dure?
How do I get to [name of tourist attraction] from here?আমি কীভাবে এখান থেকে [পর্যটক আকর্ষণের নাম] যেতে পারি?Ami kibhabe akhan theke [Location Name] jete pari?
What’s the best way to get to [landmark]?[স্থান] পেতে সেরা উপায় কি?[Location Name] a jauar valo upai ki?

 12 Bengali Phrases for Transportation

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
Where is the taxi line?ট্যাক্সি লাইন কোথায়?Taxi station kuthai?
Where is the bus stop?বাস স্টপ কোথায়?Bus stop kuthai?
Can I buy a ticket on the [bus, Train]?[বাস, ট্রেন] প্রয়োজনে একটি টিকিট কিনতে পারি?[Bus/Train] a ki ticket kinte parbo?
Where’s the ticket counter?টিকিট কাউন্টার কোথায়?Ticket counter kuthai?
Does this bus stop at …?এই বাস কোথায় থামে?Bus ti ki [Location] a tham-be?
Could you tell me when we get to [Location]?আপনি আমাকে কখন পৌঁছাবেন?Apni ki bolte paren amora kokhon [Location name] a pou-cha-bo?
Could you please stop at [Location]?আপনি অনুগ্রহ করে [স্থান] থামান?Apni ki doiya kore [Location] a thamte parben?
Do you mind if I sit here?আপনি কখনো আমি এখানে বসতে দিতে চান?Ami akhane bosle apni ki kicho mone korben?
I’ve lost my ticketআমি আমার টিকিট হারিয়ে গেছিAmi amar ticket hariyea felchi
What’s the next stop?পরবর্তী স্টপ কি?Porer stop kunti?
How often do buses run to …?কতটুকু সময় বাস চলে?Kotokkhon por por akhan theke ___ porjonto Bus chare?
Stop here, pleaseএখানে থামান, দয়া করেAkhane thaman, doi-ya kore
Are there any reductions for off-peak travel?গৈরিক ভ্রমণের জন্য কোন হ্রাস আছে কি?Season chara bhromo-ner jonno kono char ache ki?

Learn 10 Bengali Accommodation Phrases

These phrases will help you while taking a room outside the city.

English PhraseBengali PhrasePronunciation
I’d like a room for 2 nights, please?আমি 2 রাতের জন্য একটি কক্ষ চাই, দয়া করেAmi 2(doi) rater jonno akti room chai, please
Can I see the room, please?আমি কক্ষটি দেখতে পারি?Ami ki room ti dekhte pari?
Do you have any rooms available for (the seventeenth of April)?আপনাদের কাছে কোনও রুম আছে মার্চের সাতাশি?Apnader ki [Date] a kono room khali ache?
What’s the checkout time?চেকআউট কখন?Checkout korar somoi kokhon?
Does the room have a [air conditioning, Bathroom, etc.]?কক্ষটির কোনও [এসি, বাথরুম, ইত্যাদি] আছে?Ai room a ki [AC, Bathroom] ache?
Can someone help me with my bags?আমি আমার ব্যাগ সহায় করতে পারি?Apni ki amar bag ti dhorte paren?
I’d like to book a room, please.আমি একটি কক্ষ বুক করতে চাই, দয়া করেAmi akti room book korte chai.
I would like to change my room.আমি আমার কক্ষ পরিবর্তন করতে চাই।Amar room ti ami poriborton korte chai
Can I have another room please, this one is [Not clean/ too noisy/ very small]আমি অন্যটি একটি কক্ষ চাই, এটি [ব্যবস্থা করা হয়নি / খুব শব্দশীল / খুব ছোট]Amake ki onno akti room deoua jabe? ai room ti [Poriskar na/ elo-melo/ khubi choto]
What is included in my reservation?আমার মধ্যে কি অন্তর্ভুক্ত?Amar reservation a ki ki ontor-bhukto ache?

Read these articles to be more secure during your trip:

  1. Top 30 Best Places to Visit in Bangladesh
  2. 60 Pre-Travel Checklist Every Traveler Should Know
  3. 20 Stress-Free Travel Tips: Journey with Peace of Mind
  4. 20 Amazingly Affordable Travel Activities

These travel phrases will be your first step to learn Bengali language. Here, my main goal is to help travelers so I shared the most essential Bengali phrases for travelers. If you are a traveler these phrases will be enough for you. Furthermore, these phrases will help you start your Bengali language learning journey if you want to speak fluently in Bengali.

Written by Sheikh Mubashwir

Greetings! I'm Mubashwir, a creative graphic designer and a specialist in social media management with over 7 years of experience. Professionally, my passion lies in crafting and curating captivating social media content. However, personally, I'm an avid explorer of new destinations. I firmly believe that life gains its true meaning through the magic of travel. Join me on this exciting journey of creativity and wanderlust!