Ultimate Bali Travel Guide for First Timers - Bali Escort

Ultimate Bali Travel Guide for First Timers – Bali Escort

April 3, 2024   Indonesia,Travel Blog

You may know I try to help budget traveler minimize their cost and maximize enjoyment during a trip. Planning a trip to Bali in Indonesia is a great idea. But for first-timers especially Europeans and Americans, it’s crucial to learn in detail about this destination because of different cultures and environments. As a South Asian, I decided to write this ultimate Bali travel guide for first timers. I provided valuable information after researching for 13 days.

Before you go, learn 120+ Common Indonesian Travel Phrases to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey.

So don’t miss a part, and let’s uncover the secrets of this remarkable destination together to minimize costs and maximize enjoyment during the Bali trip.

Table of Contents

Why Visit Bali?

In this Ultimate Bali Travel Guide for First Timers You will understand why visit Bali

Bali attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year. Whether it’s surfing on stunning beaches, exploring ancient temples, indulging in spa treatments, experiencing traditional Balinese ceremonies, or exploring thrilling marine life, there’s something for everyone in Bali. Its popularity as a travel destination has made it a beloved destination for tourists seeking relaxation, adventure, and cultural immersion.

In Short, The reasons why Bali is so popular and you must make a trip are its stunning natural landscape, thriving tourism sector, affordable prices, stunning beaches, marvelous mountains, vibrant culture, and warm and welcoming local people.

Facts about Bali

  1. The people of Bali are more friendly than you imagine
  2. Bali is way cheaper compared to other popular destinations although other South Asian destinations are more cheaper than Bali
  3. Bali is now the number one popular destination in the world
  4. The security system in Bali is in good condition as compared to other South Asian destinations
  5. Bali is a highlight of South and South East Asia

Why is Bali so cheap?

Actually, the whole of South and Southeast Asia is inexpensive, and Bali is no exception. The primary reason why is Bali so cheap is the region’s lower cost of living. Depending on the location and your preferences, you can live in this area for as little as $100 to $500 per month.

Businesses in Bali benefit from lower taxes, and the cost of land rent is also relatively low. Additionally, workers’ salaries are lower compared to other regions, yet they are hardworking. Now, I hope you understand why is Bali so cheap. In this ultimate Bali travel guide, I will assist you in saving more than $200.

Ultimate Bali Travel Guide, Bali Travel Guide for First Timers, Bali Travel Guide, Bali Escort, Why is Bali so cheap, Cheapest time to go to Bali, Best Time to Visit in Bali, The Worst time to travel to Bali, Daily Bali Trip Cost, Cost of a meal in Bali

Cheapest time to go to Bali

The cheapest time to visit Bali is typically during the island’s wet season, which falls between November to March. During these periods, you’ll find lower prices for accommodations, flights, and activities, as there are fewer tourists and hotels offer discounts to attract visitors.

Additionally, avoiding major holidays and peak travel seasons can help you secure better deals and save money on your trip to Bali. However, it’s important to note that weather conditions may vary during these times, so be sure to check the forecast and plan accordingly.

Best Time to Visit in Bali

April to September is the best time to visit Bali due to less rainfall. This tropical island is divided into two seasons – the dry season (April – October) and the wet season (November – March). For tourists who would like to enjoy the crowds, nightlife, and vibe of Bali. June, July, and August are the peak times to visit this province.

The months from May to September are the best time for water-based activities like scuba diving and snorkeling due to the best weather conditions.

The Worst time to travel to Bali

The worst time to travel to Bali largely depends on personal preferences and specific factors like weather and crowds. However, if you want to the peak tourist season, the monsoon season from December to April might not be ideal. During this period, Bali experiences frequent downpours, high humidity, and occasional flooding, which can disrupt outdoor activities and sightseeing plans.

However, keep in mind that even during the wet season, Bali retains its natural beauty and cultural charm, so with proper preparation, you can still have a memorable experience.

Daily Bali Trip Cost

The daily cost of visiting Bali can vary widely depending on your travel style and preferences. On average, travelers can expect to spend anywhere from $30 to $100 or more per day.

Budget travelers can manage with around $30 to $50 per day. This includes staying in budget accommodations, eating at local restaurants, and using public transportation.

Those looking for more comfort can budget around $50 to $100 per day. This allows for mid-range accommodations, dining at a mix of local and mid-range restaurants, and occasional activities or tours.

Luxury travelers can spend $100 or more per day. This category includes upscale hotels, fine dining, spa treatments, and various activities.

Stir fry noodles and barbecue with side dish | Photo by Artem Beliaikin

You can bring around $600-$1,500 in cash for a 10-day trip to Bali. It depends on how much you researched before getting there. I can easily complete the 10-day trip within $500 with maximum enjoyment while others spend $1,000. You don’t need to spend 100 of dollars every day on accommodation. You can rent luxurious accommodation for one day and then go for a cheaper one. Why waste money when you can extend your trip duration or participate in more activities? Also, why waste on meals? Only try some unique Balinese meals they offer for memories and tests.

Note: Expenses may vary depending on your personal choices and the current economic conditions in Bali. It’s always a good idea to plan your budget according to your preferences and priorities.

A Cheapest Estimate Per Day: Accommodation: $8 + Meals ($4×3): $12 + Transportation: $5-$10 + Attractions: $0-$20 + Others: $5 = $30-$55

Cost of a meal in Bali

In Bali, the cost of a meal can vary depending on where you dine and your preferences. Generally, you can find affordable options at local warungs (small restaurants) or street food stalls, where a meal might cost around $2 to $5.

If you prefer dining at mid-range restaurants or cafes, expect to pay between $5 to $15 per meal. Upscale dining establishments and tourist-oriented restaurants may charge higher prices, ranging from $15 to $50 or more for a meal.

Transportation Cost: How to Get Around in Bali?

Grab Bike Driver picking up passenger. Grab is a technology company that offers wide range of ride-hailing and logistics services through its app in Southeast

Getting around in Bali is relatively easy as there are a variety of transportation options catering to different budgets and preferences. Here are some common transportation options and their estimated costs:

Scooter Rental: Scooter rental is one of the most popular and affordable ways to get around Bali, especially for short distances and exploring local areas. Rental prices vary but typically range from $5 to $10 per day, depending on the scooter type and rental duration. Ask for discounts while hiring for more than three days.

Car Rental: Renting a car is a convenient option for exploring Bali’s diverse landscapes and attractions, especially if you’re traveling with a group or family. Rental prices start from around $20 to $40 per day for a basic compact car, excluding fuel and insurance costs.

Motorcycle Taxi (Ojek): Motorcycle taxis, known as “ojeks,” are a convenient and affordable option for short trips and navigating through traffic-congested areas. Prices vary depending on the distance traveled but are generally cheaper than traditional taxis. Negotiate the fare with the driver before starting the journey.

Public Buses: Public buses are available in Bali, but their routes and schedules may be limited, making them less convenient for tourists. However, they are a budget-friendly option for traveling between major towns and cities. Bus fares typically range from $1 to $5, depending on the distance traveled.

Private Taxi: Private taxis are widely available in Bali and can be hired for short or full-day trips. Metered taxis are common in tourist areas like Kuta and Seminyak, while fixed-price taxis operate in other areas. Expect to pay around $0.30 to $0.40 per kilometer in a metered taxi, or negotiate a fixed price with the driver. Check the meter when starting a journey.

Online Transportation Bookings for Bali

Ride-Hailing Services: Popular ride-hailing apps like Grab and Gojek operate in Bali, offering convenient and affordable transportation options. Users can book cars, motorcycles, or even bicycles through apps, with fares calculated based on distance traveled and demand.

On the other way, you can rent a car from Trip.com or select from GetTransfer:

Remember to factor in additional costs such as fuel, parking fees, and insurance when budgeting for transportation in Bali. Additionally, always negotiate fares in advance and clarify any potential additional charges to avoid misunderstandings.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind while getting around Bali:

  1. Remember that Bali drives on the left side of the road.
  2. Stay vigilant against pickpockets, especially in public transportation, and keep a close eye on your valuables.
  3. Avoid calling taxis directly from beaches or supermarkets. Instead, hire from taxi stands to get a good price.
  4. In case you run out of fuel, you may need to purchase gasoline from locals. Be prepared by carrying local currency with you for such situations.

Remember tickets for foreigners are higher

In Bali, there are certain places where ticket prices are higher for foreigners compared to locals. While some tourists may find this unfair, I believe it’s justifiable. If you compare Bali to European countries, you’ll find that despite the additional cost, Bali offers five times more satisfaction. Imagine if foreigners were charged only $1 to visit a beautiful attraction.

This measure is necessary to support environmental conservation efforts and maintain a safer environment. Additionally, the extra cost is minimal for tourists from developed nations. Similar pricing policies are applied in most underdeveloped countries in this region.

Where to exchange currency in Bali?

When venturing away from the typical tourist spots in Bali, having Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) on hand is essential, as many smaller shops and attractions may not accept credit cards. You can carry up to $6,500 to Indonesia without declaring while entry to Indonesia.

When exchanging currency in Bali, it’s advisable to check recent reviews from Google and the real-time exchange rate from XE.com. Here is a list of some reputable money exchange outlets.

1. MPB Money Changer (MPB Kartika Plaza)

Location: Jl. Kartika Plaza No.99, Kuta, Kec. Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Contact: +62 361 4727280
Website: www.mpbchanger.com

2. BMC Seminyak (Kantor Pusat)

Location: Raya Seminyak No.16A, Seminyak, Kec. Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Contact: +62 361 733202

3. Cash X Change PT. Semangat Anak Rantau

Location: Nakula No.57, Legian, Kec. Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Contact: +62 361 4727988
Website: www.cashxchange.co.id

4. PT. Dirgahayu Valuta Prima

Location: IB Manik, Petulu, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia
Contact: +62 361 977365
Website: www.balibestrate.com

Bali Travel Adapter

Typically, in Bali, you will find two round pin sockets. You can expect Type C and F sockets in Bali. If you find yourself without an adapter, fret not; you can easily purchase one from a nearby shop for a few dollars.

However, it’s advisable to purchase a Universal Travel Adapter if you are an international traveler. So, you don’t need to worry about charging while traveling to different countries.

Bali tourist map

To truly make this the ultimate Bali travel guide for first-timers, it’s essential to include the Bali tourist map. Without it, navigating Bali can be challenging, especially for first-time travelers. The map provides valuable insights into Bali’s popular tourist attractions and travel routes, helping you plan your itinerary more effectively. You can download the PDF file containing four maps for free. Your support in sharing this post on your social media platforms would be greatly appreciated.

E-Sim for Bali

For seamless network connection use e-SIM instead of costly roaming service. Learn how to install an e-SIM on your phone if you are new. Use This promo code to get a 15% discount: MAR15

Things to Do in Bali

Places to hike in Bali

Bali offers a variety of stunning hiking opportunities amidst its natural landscapes. Here are some popular places to hike in Bali include:

Mount Batur: A sunrise trek up Mount Batur offers breathtaking views of the surrounding volcanic landscape and Lake Batur. It’s a moderate hike that typically takes around two to three hours to reach the summit.

Mount Agung: Bali’s highest peak, Mount Agung, provides adventurous hikers with a challenging yet rewarding trek. The hike offers sweeping views of the island and is best attempted with a guide due to its steep and rugged terrain.

Sekumpul Waterfall Trek: Trekking to Sekumpul Waterfall takes you through dense jungle and across rivers to reach one of Bali’s most impressive waterfalls. The hike offers a glimpse into Bali’s natural beauty and is perfect for adventure seekers.

Mount Batukaru: This less crowded and challenging hike leads you through a rainforest to the summit of Mount Batukaru, where you can enjoy panoramic views of Bali’s western coastline and surrounding mountains.

Campuhan Ridge Walk: Located in Ubud, the Campuhan Ridge Walk is a leisurely hike through picturesque rice fields and lush valleys. It’s an ideal spot for nature lovers and photographers seeking tranquility and stunning views.

Best Beaches in Bali for Snorkeling

Bali has some spectacular beaches for snorkeling, where you can immerse yourself in vibrant underwater ecosystems with marine life. Here are some of the best beaches in Bali for snorkeling:

Amed Beach: Located on the island’s eastern coast, Amed Beach is renowned for its clear waters and colorful coral reefs. Snorkelers can explore diverse marine life just a few meters from the shore, including tropical fish, turtles, and even occasional sightings of reef sharks.

Padangbai: This charming coastal village is a gateway to several excellent snorkeling spots, including Blue Lagoon and Bias Tugel Beach. Both locations boast crystal-clear waters and an array of coral formations and marine creatures, perfect for snorkelers of all skill levels.

Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida: These neighboring islands off the southeast coast of Bali are known for their stunning underwater landscapes. Snorkelers can encounter manta rays, colorful reef fish, and even the elusive mola mola (sunfish) in these snorkeling spots.

Tulamben: Famous for the USAT Liberty shipwreck, Tulamben offers a unique snorkeling experience amidst the remnants of this World War II vessel. The wreck is now encrusted with corals and serves as a haven for a diverse array of marine life.

These beaches offer fantastic opportunities to explore Bali’s underwater world, so don’t forget your snorkeling gear and camera for an unforgettable experience beneath the waves.

Best time to snorkel in Bali

The best time to snorkel in Bali is during the dry season, which typically runs from April to October. During this period, the weather is generally sunny with calm seas and excellent visibility, making it ideal for snorkeling adventures. The months of May to September are especially popular for snorkeling, as the sea conditions are at their calmest, and the underwater visibility is often at its peak.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that Bali’s weather can be unpredictable, and conditions may vary from year to year. Additionally, while the dry season generally offers the best snorkeling conditions, it’s still possible to enjoy snorkeling during the wet season (November to March). Just be aware that rainfall and occasional rough seas may affect visibility and underwater conditions, particularly in areas prone to runoff from heavy rain.

Best Dive Sites in Bali

Bali is a diver’s paradise, offering a wealth of underwater treasures to explore. Here are some of the best dive sites in Bali:

Tulamben: Famous for the USAT Liberty shipwreck, Tulamben offers a unique diving experience with excellent visibility and a vibrant marine ecosystem. Divers can explore the wreck with marine life, including colorful corals, schools of fish, and occasional sightings of reef sharks and turtles.

Nusa Penida: This island off the southeast coast of Bali is renowned for its thrilling drift dives and encounters with majestic manta rays. Crystal Bay and Manta Point are popular dive sites where divers can swim alongside these graceful creatures and admire the stunning coral reefs.

Menjangan Island: Located within the West Bali National Park, Menjangan Island boasts some of the best wall diving in Bali. Divers can explore dramatic drop-offs, caves, and tunnels adorned with vibrant corals and a diverse array of marine life, including reef sharks, turtles, and colorful reef fish.

Padangbai: This charming coastal village offers several excellent dive sites suitable for divers of all levels. Blue Lagoon and Bias Tugel Beach are popular spots known for their crystal-clear waters, colorful coral gardens, and abundant marine biodiversity, making them ideal for underwater photography.

Amed: Amed is a fantastic destination for macro diving enthusiasts, with its shallow coral reefs teeming with unusual critters such as pygmy seahorses, ghost pipefish, and colorful nudibranchs. The Japanese Shipwreck is also a highlight, offering an opportunity to explore a sunken wreck covered in marine life.

These are just a few examples of the best dive sites in Bali, but the island offers countless other underwater wonders waiting to be explored. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, Bali’s diverse dive sites offer something for everyone to discover and enjoy.

Best Time to Dive in Bali

The best time to dive in Bali is during the dry season from April to October. This period offers calm seas, clear visibility, and plenty of sunshine, making it ideal for exploring popular dive sites like Tulamben and Nusa Penida. While diving is possible year-round, the wet season from November to March may bring occasional rain and stronger winds, but some sites still offer good conditions.

Where to Surf in Bali?

Bali is renowned for its world-class surf spots, catering to surfers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned pros. Here are some of the best surf spots in Bali:

Uluwatu: Famous for its consistent waves and iconic cliff-top views, Uluwatu offers some of the most challenging surf breaks in Bali. Experienced surfers flock here to ride the powerful reef breaks, including the legendary Uluwatu and Padang Padang barrels.

Canggu: This trendy coastal town is home to several surf breaks suitable for all levels. Beginners can learn to catch waves at Batu Bolong Beach, while more experienced surfers can challenge themselves at Echo Beach or Berawa Beach.

Kuta Beach: Kuta Beach is one of Bali’s most popular surf spots, known for its reliable waves and bustling atmosphere. It’s an excellent spot for beginners to take surf lessons or for intermediate surfers to practice their skills.

Seminyak: Just north of Kuta, Seminyak offers a range of surf breaks catering to different abilities. Double Six Beach and Seminyak Beach are popular spots for beginners and intermediate surfers, while Petitenget Beach provides more challenging waves for advanced riders.

Medewi: Located on Bali’s west coast, Medewi is known for its long, peeling left-hand wave, making it a favorite destination for longboarders. The consistent swell and mellow vibe attracts surfers looking for a more laid-back experience.

Best time to surf in Bali

The best time to surf in Bali depends on your skill level, preferences, and the type of waves you’re seeking. Generally, Bali offers good surfing conditions year-round, but there are some factors to consider:

Dry Season (April to October): This period is typically considered the best time to surf in Bali, especially for begainer. The dry season brings consistent swells from the Indian Ocean, resulting in excellent wave quality and ideal surfing conditions. The months of May to August are particularly popular, with smaller crowds and less rainfall.

Wet Season (November to March): While the wet season may bring occasional rain and less predictable surf conditions, it’s still possible to find great waves for surfing in Bali. Some surf spots, especially those on the east coast, may experience better conditions during this time. However, be prepared for occasional stormy weather and choppier seas.

After thoroughly evaluating factors such as accessibility, reviews, location, beauty, and pricing based on offered services, I’ve curated a list of the best accommodations in Bali. This research has saved you valuable time. Now, all is left to check and book your preferred accommodation.

Best Bali Treehouse experience

Bali is known for its stunning treehouse accommodations, offering a unique and immersive experience surrounded by nature. As you will stay in the jungle be prepared for mosquito bites. Here are some of the best treehouse accommodations in Bali:

Bali Treehouse | Photo by Magic Hills Bali

Affordable Bali Tree House Pelangi (Dubble Bed: $20/Per Night)

Discover the charm of rural living in this delightful tree house in the hills, offering mesmerizing morning vistas of the volcano and the sweet sounds of chirping birds. Perfectly positioned for exploring the central mountains, lakes, and the renowned Bedugul botanical garden, this tree house serves as an ideal retreat.

Please note that its remote location means limited facilities, catering mainly to adventurous souls seeking an off-the-grid experience.

Location: Jalan Raya Baturiti, 82191 Bedugul, Indonesia

Kusfarm Bali by Amerta Experience (Dubble Bed: $80/Per Night)

Located in Selemadeg, just 31 km away from the famous Tanah Lot Temple, Kusfarm Bali by Amerta Experience provides cozy accommodation with great amenities. This 3-star hotel features an outdoor swimming pool, complimentary private parking, and a lovely garden with a terrace to relax in.

The hotel offers room service, concierge assistance, and tour organization to make guests’ stays memorable. Each room is equipped with a kettle, and some also feature balconies or pool views.

Location: Kusfarm Bali, Jalan Bajera Utara, Selemadeg, 82162 Selemadeg, Indonesia

Magic Hills Bali (2 large double beds: $450/Per Night)

Magic Hills Bali offers a one-of-a-kind bamboo house boasting breathtaking 360° views of valleys, rice terraces, sunrises, sunsets, and Mount Agung. It’s the ultimate destination for adventurous travelers seeking an authentic Bali experience.

Wake up to the serene beauty of nature with birds singing and picturesque views of rice fields and lush mountains. This is the ideal escape for those craving tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city life, providing an immersive journey into the heart of Bali.

Location: Magical Eco-Lux Lodge, Pering Sari, Karangasem Regency, Bali, 80862 Selat, Indonesia

Roots Tree House (Dubble Bed: $115/Per Night)

This beautifully designed house with local trees and butterflies around creates a cool and relaxing environment. This House offers accommodations with natural views, along with an outdoor swimming pool, a garden, and a terrace. Guests can enjoy complimentary WiFi and private parking during their stay at the lodge. Not Suitable for older citizens because of the height.

It’s Located 4.4 km from Garuda Wisnu Kencana and 6.4 km from Samasta Lifestyle Village. The nearest airport, Ngurah Rai International, is easily accessible for travelers.

Location: Banjar Werdhi Kosala 55C6+95 Ungasan, 80361 Ungasan, Indonesia

Umah Tis Sebatu (Dubble Bed: $35/Per Night)

If you want to experience the jungle vibes, this is the right place! You can experience stunning mountain views, sunrise, and sunset nearby. The pool is a little jewel amidst the greenery and the interior design represents the authentic Balinese style.

Each unit features a spa bath, seating area, and flat-screen TV. The lodge offers a hot tub and car rental service. You can easily explore nearby attractions including Tegallalang Rice Terrace and Ubud Palace. However, their breakfast is not recommended; guests can visit the nearest restaurant instead.

Location: Sentanu Banjar Sebatu, Desa Sebatu, Tegallalang, 80561, Indonesia, 80561 Tampaksiring, Indonesia

These are just a few examples of the best treehouse accommodations in Bali, each offering its own unique charm and experience. Whether you’re seeking luxury amenities or a back-to-nature retreat, Bali’s treehouse accommodations promise an unforgettable stay surrounded by the island’s natural beauty.

Best place to stay in Bali for families

Bali offers a wide range of family-friendly accommodations catering to different preferences and budgets. Here are some of the best areas to stay in Bali for families:

Best place to stay in Bali for families | Photo by Tira Vilagna Suites & Spa

Tira Vilagna Suites & Spa (Starting at $50 per person)

Tira Vilagna Suites & Spa near Mount Batur is the perfect retreat for families seeking a nature-filled getaway in Bali. With various accommodation options available, families can enjoy a peaceful environment surrounded by nature.

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a serene natural setting, this is the place for you. Many tourists choose to spend the night here after exploring Mount Agung or Besakih Temple to hike to Mount Batur.

Location: Jalan Santi, Padang Mun, 80652 Kintamani, Indonesia

The Nest Hotel Nusa Dua (Starting at $50 per person)

This hotel, conveniently located near Nusa Dua Beach, provides affordable family-friendly accommodation options. It’s the perfect choice for your stay in Bali, with popular attractions within easy reach. Follow the link to explore the hotel’s amenities and take advantage of discounts.

Location: Jalan Pratama 99x, Tanjung Benoa, 80363 Nusa Dua, Indonesia

Griya Pasir Ukir (Starting at $25 per person)

I selected this Balinese-style accommodation because it’s conveniently located for catching the ferry to Nusa Penida Island. It’s also a great option for staying overnight upon returning from Nusa Penida Island. This family-friendly stay in Bali offers stunning beach views at an affordable price. Be sure to book in advance.

Location: Jalan Matahari Terbit, Gang 22, 80200 Sanur, Indonesia

Merthayasa Bungalow 2 (Starting at $10 per person)

Situated in the heart of Ubud, this villa provides affordable pricing options and easy access to nearby attractions like the Sacred Monkey Forest and The Ubud Palace. Its central location makes it an ideal base for exploring Bali, with all roads conveniently connected to this spot, granting access to various attractions across the island.

Feel free to stay here for a month without hesitation. The villa offers picturesque backgrounds, perfect for shooting videos for social media platforms or YouTube.

Location: Jalan Hanoman, Gang Anila No. 23, 80571 Ubud, Indonesia

Gracia Bali Villas & Apartment (Starting at $25 per person)

This stunning villa, boasting an indoor pool, is situated near Seminyak Beach, providing an excellent opportunity to explore popular nearby beaches such as Kuta Beach, Double Six Beach, and Legian Beach. If you’re planning to explore the beaches and perhaps take surfing lessons, booking this villa today is a must.

Location: Jalan Sarinande No. 3, 80361 Seminyak, Indonesia

These are just a few examples of the best places to stay in Bali for families, each offering its own unique attractions and experiences. Whether you prefer beachfront luxury, cultural immersion, or laid-back vibes, Bali has something for every family to enjoy.

Best places to stay in Bali for couples

Bali offers a plethora of romantic accommodations perfect for couples seeking a memorable getaway. Here are some of the best places to stay in Bali for couples:

Best places to stay in Bali for couples | Photo by Alam Nusa Bungalow Huts & Spa

Best Places to Stay in Ubud

Known for its picturesque landscapes, lush rice terraces, and serene atmosphere, Ubud is perfect for couples seeking a romantic retreat. Explore local art galleries, visit sacred temples, or enjoy a romantic dinner overlooking the scenic Ayung River.

Sedana Jaya (Starting at $7 per person)

This budget-friendly house is located in a prime spot in Ubud, Bali, offering a comfortable base for an extended stay and exploration of Bali. It boasts a serene and picturesque setting, perfect for relaxation. Ubud’s central location in Bali makes it an ideal hub for accessing all the popular attractions across the island. I opted for this accommodation due to its affordability.

Location: Jalan Sri Wedari, Gg. Seruni No. 3, Kab. Gianyar, 80571 Ubud, Indonesia

If you’re willing to spend more, you can consider these two alternative options:

Mid-Range Accommodation in Ubud: Clan Living – The Founder Ubud

Luxurious Accommodation in Ubud: Wana Bucu Villas by Pramana Villas

Best Places to Stay in Seminyak

Seminyak is renowned for its stunning beaches, trendy beach clubs, and vibrant nightlife, Seminyak is ideal for couples looking for a mix of relaxation and excitement. Lounge on the beach, indulge in spa treatments or savor delicious cuisine at chic restaurants.

The Island Bali (Starting at $10 per person)

It’s rare to find budget-friendly accommodation in Seminyak, but this option is conveniently situated near popular beaches, making it perfect for beach enthusiasts. Serving as a hotspot for Bali’s most renowned attractions, it’s essential to book in advance to secure your accommodation. Check availability today to avoid missing out.

Location: 18 Gang Abdi Jalan Raya Legian II Gang XIX 6 Legian Kuta, 80361 Seminyak, Indonesia

If you’re willing to spend more to get the beachfront view, you can consider these two alternative options:

Mid-range accommodation in Seminyak: Pelangi Bali Hotel & Spa

Luxurious accommodation in Seminyak: Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach, an IHG Hotel

Best affordable accommodation in Nusa Lembongan

For a secluded island retreat, Nusa Lembongan offers stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and breathtaking views. Stay in a romantic beachfront bungalow or boutique hotel, and spend your days snorkeling, kayaking, or simply relaxing by the pool.

Alam Nusa Bungalow Huts & Spa (Starting at $12 per person)

This is among the best places to stay in Bali for couples. Staffs are very friendly, and the location is superb. You could easily stay on this secluded island for months without hesitation. This place offers a unique experience at an affordable price. Just take a look at the Bungalow. Don’t miss the opportunity to stay here. Book today to secure your spot.

Location: Mushroom Bay, Lembongan Island, 80771 Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia

If you’re willing to spend more to get the beachfront view, you can consider these two alternative:

Mid Range huts in Nusa Lembongan: Water Blow Huts or Dream Beach Huts in Bali

Best places to stay in Amed, Bali

With its laid-back vibe, scenic coastline, and excellent snorkeling and diving spots, Amed provides a peaceful and romantic setting for couples to enjoy together.

Amed Cafe & Hotel Kebun Wayan (Starting at $11 per person)

Amed stands out as the ultimate destination for those seeking thrilling adventures in scuba diving, snorkeling, and hiking. If you share these passions, this is the perfect place for you. Situated close to Amed Beach, this accommodation offers more than just a place to stay—it provides an opportunity for romantic moments amidst breathtaking panoramic ocean views.

Locaton: Jalan Raya Amed, Purwakerti, Karangasem, Purwakerti, Abang, Bali 80852 , 80852 Amed, Indonesia

If you’re willing to spend more, you can consider these two alternative options:

Mid-Range Resort in Amed: Bali Dive Resort Amed

Best Dive Resort in Amed: Emocean Beach Boutique Dive Resort

These are just a few examples of the best places to stay in Bali for couples, each offering its own unique charm and romantic experiences. Whether you prefer luxury and seclusion or adventure and excitement, Bali has something for every couple to enjoy.

Ultimate Bali Travel Guide for First Timers

Read before making a trip:

  1. 60 Pre-Travel Checklist Every Traveler Should Know
  2. 20 Stress-Free Travel Tips: Journey with Peace of Mind
  3. 20 Amazingly Affordable Travel Activities

With that, I hope you find this Bali travel guide invaluable as you embark on your journey to Bali for the first time. Remember, thorough preparation and understanding of the local culture and environment can significantly enhance your travel experience. As someone passionate about helping budget travelers, I’ve poured countless hours into researching and compiling this ultimate Bali travel guide for first timers.

So, as you plan your trip, be sure to utilize the insights and tips provided here. By doing so, you’ll not only minimize costs but also maximize enjoyment during your time in Bali. Safe travels and may your Bali experience be filled with unforgettable memories!

Written by Touring Made Easy

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