Ultimate Pre-Travel Checklist: Proven Travel Tips for Safety & Fun

Ultimate Pre-Travel Checklist: Proven Travel Tips for Safety & Fun

November 1, 2023   Tips & Advice

Hi there, This is Mubashwir, a Social Media Management Specialist and a passionate traveler, always yearning to explore the world. Over the years, I’ve traveled to numerous destinations, gaining invaluable experiences along the way. Like any traveler, I’ve encountered many challenges while traveling.

Now, I’d like to share my travel experiences and tips through this website to help fellow travelers start their journeys smoothly and safely. I’ve put together a comprehensive checklist of 60 essential travel tips. This is not only from my own experiences but also includes insights from other pro-travelers with more than 20 years of travel experience under their belts. So, this article is the most important resource that every traveler should read and consult before setting out on their adventures.

Table of Contents

How will you benefit from these travel tips?

This article will fill you with the knowledge and guidance to ensure your safety, reduce your travel expenses, and enhance your overall enjoyment of your journeys. Each tip is carefully written to address common travel challenges and provide solutions that can make your trips more seamless and rewarding. So, read through this valuable resource carefully to make the most of your future travel.

1. Pick the Right Season:

Selecting the right season for your trip is crucial. Seasons can dramatically affect your travel experience, from the weather to the availability of certain attractions. Selecting an inappropriate season could result in missing out on desired experiences, such as viewing waterfalls. Make sure to pick the right time to maximize the enjoyment of your adventure, and be prepared to pack accordingly.

2. Secure Your Documents:

Triple-check and safeguard your essential documents – passport, visa, and ID card. Invest in a reliable organizer to keep these documents safe and well-organized during your journey. This practice will not only keep your travel documents safe but also save you time.

3. Make Document Copies:

Your travel documents are your lifeline. In the unfortunate event of misplacing your original documents, having backup copies becomes essential to avoid potential difficulties. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure you carry copies of all your important documents in separate bags and also take photographs of each document with your smartphone to have them readily available in case of emergencies.

4. Understand Visa Requirements:

Each country has unique visa conditions and policies. Thoroughly understand the visa requirements for your destination, leaving no room for oversight. Research well in advance, as visa regulations can change, and make sure to apply for your visa with ample time to spare. Additionally, consider consulting the official website of the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit, as they often provide detailed, up-to-date information on the application process, fees, and required documentation. This proactive approach will help you avoid last-minute complications and ensure a smooth entry into your chosen destination.

5. Opt for Space-Saving Accessories:

Long trips require packing numerous items like clothes, shoes, documents, chargers, electronics, and accessories, which can be challenging to manage. To streamline your packing and stay organized, it’s advisable to invest in space-saving travel accessories and efficient organizers. Here’s a selection of items that can make your packing more efficient and your trip more enjoyable.

Ultimate Pre-Travel Checklist: Top Proven Travel Tips to Ensure Safety and Fun
Photo by Kindel Media

6. Research the Location:

To enhance your travel experience and ensure safety, conduct thorough research about your destination using Google. This will acquaint you with the local culture, customs, and any particular nuances of the place.

7. Seek Guidance from Senior citizens or Government Personnel

When in need of information about your location, consider reaching out to knowledgeable locals, especially senior residents, or government employees. They often possess a wealth of information about their area and are generally reliable sources of guidance. Government employees are typically trustworthy and can assist without posing any harm.

8. Thought about starting a travel blog:

If you’re someone who enjoys capturing the beauty of your journeys through photos and videos, it’s incredible to share those travel experiences with others and even earn money along the way. Not only can a travel blog be a source of income, but it can also open doors to exciting opportunities for free trips. If you’re looking for assistance in setting up your blog, don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here to help.

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

9. Use Google Maps:

Enhance your travel experience by using Google Maps. Simply search for your destination and save it on your phone. This way, even if you lose your data connection, you’ll still have access to offline maps, ensuring you can navigate confidently throughout your journey.

10. Share Your Location:

For solo travelers, sharing your GPS location with family or friends can be a safety lifeline. It ensures that loved ones are aware of your whereabouts.

For group travelers, utilizing Google Maps to share your GPS location with family members or travel companions, like your spouse, son, or daughter, ensures seamless tracking of everyone’s positions. This feature proves particularly invaluable when individuals explore separate areas, fostering continual connectivity and enhancing overall safety and convenience.

11. Carry Dry Food:

Bringing along dry food items is a crucial step for both family and solo travelers. These provisions can be incredibly beneficial, serving as a safety net in unforeseen circumstances. It’s a practice I personally adhere to on my journeys, ensuring I have a supply of dry foods readily available for emergencies.

When selecting dry foods, opt for items with a long shelf life, such as granola bars, nuts, dried dates, fruits, and energy-packed snacks. Additionally, consider dietary preferences and restrictions for all members of your group. By having these provisions on hand, you can better navigate unexpected delays, remote areas, or times when access to regular meals might be limited.

12. Consider Festivals:

Consider timing your travels to coincide with special festivals in different countries. Planning your trip during these festive occasions can enhance your experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in local traditions, savor unique cuisine, and create unforgettable memories.

One of the best travel tips is to consider festivals during planning for a trip

13. Choose Like-Minded Travel Companions:

When traveling with a group, it’s advantageous to journey with friends who share similar interests. People have diverse preferences—some may cherish nature, while others prefer exploring new locales or enjoying parks and museums. To maximize your enjoyment, it’s essential to select travel companions who align with your interests.

14. Before Choosing Your Destination or Accommodation, Check Reviews:

Before finalizing your travel destination or selecting a hostel, conducting thorough research is paramount. A valuable resource for this is Google Maps Reviews, as it offers insights into almost every place worldwide, contributed by previous visitors. By perusing these reviews, you can gather firsthand information about the location or hotel, ensuring a more informed and well-prepared travel experience.

My tips for travelers while checking reviews is to check the date of the review.

15. Booking in advance might be cheaper:

Booking well in advance can save you money by securing discounted rates, whereas last-minute bookings are typically more expensive due to increased demand. By reserving your accommodations and other travel services a couple of months ahead, you can ensure a more cost-effective journey.

16. Spend More Time in Fewer Places:

Choosing to spend more time in fewer places not only contributes to cost savings but also enhances your overall travel experience. It allows for deeper exploration, cultural immersion, and its natural beauty. Moreover, it provides the opportunity to gain a more profound understanding of the place and enjoy moments of relaxation.

17. Cycle if you can, or try using your foot:

If you wish to connect with nature and fully explore a destination, consider traveling on foot or by bicycle. This approach offers a more intimate and eco-friendly way to discover a place. It enables you to immerse yourself in the local culture, uncover hidden gems, stay active, and experience the sights and sounds of a location at a leisurely and enriching pace.

18. Use Public Transport:

Using public transportation while traveling offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, reduced environmental impact, a chance to experience local culture, and freedom from the hassles of parking and navigating unfamiliar roads.

Using Public transportation is one of the best budget friendly travel tips

19. Plan Your Day with Morning, Evening, and Nighttime :

Different destinations can reveal their unique charm at different times of the day. Therefore, it’s essential to plan your itinerary with morning, evening, and nighttime experiences in consideration. Here are some additional tips:

  1. Morning Exploration: Morning light often bathes landscapes and landmarks in a soft and inviting glow, making it an ideal time for outdoor adventures and capturing stunning photographs.
  2. Evening Magic: As the day transitions into the evening, many places come alive with vibrant street markets, cultural performances, and enchanting sunsets. Planning for evening activities can provide a deeper understanding of local traditions and offer a taste of the local nightlife.
  3. Nighttime Wonders: Some destinations truly shine after dark, with illuminated architecture and a lively atmosphere. Exploring at night can uncover a different side of a place, whether it’s trying local cuisine in bustling night markets or taking in the city lights from a viewpoint.

By structuring your day to incorporate these distinct timeframes, you can make the most of your visit, appreciating the diverse beauty and experiences a destination has to offer.

20. Watch Your Expenses:

Maintaining a balance between thriftiness and quality is key to a successful and enjoyable trip. Here are some additional tips for budget travelers:

  1. Budget Prioritization: Allocate your budget wisely by identifying the experiences and items that truly matter to you. This ensures you get the most out of your travel funds.
  2. Avoid Impulse Buys: While exploring new places, it’s easy to be enticed by souvenirs and trinkets. Take a moment to evaluate if these purchases are meaningful and align with your travel goals.
  3. Track Expenses: Use budget-tracking apps or journals to monitor your spending. This helps you stay on course and make adjustments as needed to stay within your financial limits.

By being mindful of your expenses and finding a balance between being frugal and enjoying quality experiences, you can ensure a memorable and financially responsible journey.

21. Savor Nutritious Meals for an Enhanced Travel Experience:

Consuming healthy foods while traveling not only nourishes your body but also enhances your overall enjoyment of the destination. Conversely, consuming unhealthy foods can lead to discomfort and digestive issues. By opting for nutritious options, you’re more likely to feel your best and make the most of your travel experiences.

22. Stay Refreshed with Lemon Juice and Cucumber:

Indulging in a glass of lemon juice and relishing the crispness of cucumber can be incredibly revitalizing, especially on sunny days. These hydrating choices not only help cool your body but also refresh your mind, leaving you invigorated and ready to embrace your day of exploration. I personally make it a habit to enjoy a glass of lemon juice before setting out on sun-drenched adventures, finding it a delightful way to beat the heat and stay mentally sharp throughout my travels.

23. Check Weather Forecasts:

Always check weather forecasts for your destination and pack your backpack accordingly. Tailoring your clothing and accessories to the expected weather conditions is a smart way to ensure a hassle-free and comfortable journey. Don’t let unpredictable weather catch you off guard during your travels.

Checking Weather Forecasts is highly-recommended travel tips

24. Stay on your Budget, but Avoid Excessive Frugality:

While sticking to a budget is a wise approach, it’s equally important not to compromise your health. Opting for economical choices is sensible, but extreme frugality, especially when it comes to essential expenses like food, can have adverse consequences.

25. Take Comfortable Clothes and Shoes with you:

When packing for your journey, prioritize comfort over style. Remember, the purpose of your travels is to relish the landscapes and experiences, not to make a fashion statement. Selecting comfortable clothing and shoes allows you to fully immerse yourself in your adventure, ensuring every step is a pleasure rather than a discomfort.

26. Eat like the locals:

Eating like locals is a delightful way to connect with the culture and people of a place. I’ve often found it to be a unique and enjoyable experience. Upon returning home, sharing stories of my experience with the locals always brings a smile to their faces, illustrating the genuine connections that can be fostered through food and shared experiences.

27. Try to behave like locals:

Immersing yourself in the local way of life can be incredibly enjoyable. By behaving like a local, you can engage with the community, participate in unique activities, and create lasting memories that enrich your travel experience. Whether it’s joining in on a traditional dance, participating in a local festival, or simply adopting the daily routines, these immersive encounters can lead to memorable and authentic interactions with the local culture.

28. Familiarize Yourself with Local Religions and Customs:

Gaining an understanding of the local religion and its role in a community is a crucial step in responsible and respectful travel. It not only helps you avoid potential cultural misunderstandings but also ensures that you dress appropriately and act in accordance with local customs.

To delve deeper into the cultural aspects of a destination, you can also explore my international travel blogs, which offer valuable insights into different countries and their unique customs and traditions.

Dress properly while visiting religious places

29. Pick up tips from other travelers:

Gaining tips and insights from fellow travelers can be invaluable for planning your own adventures. However, it’s essential to remember that individual experiences can vary widely. While reviews are crucial for making informed decisions, it’s important to consider the diverse preferences and expectations of different travelers.

For example, someone who loves urban parks might give a low review to a natural wilderness area simply because it doesn’t align with their personal interests. So, while the advice of others is valuable, always approach it with an open mind, knowing that we all have unique tastes and perspectives when it comes to travel experiences.

30. Keep your cash in different places while traveling:

Safeguarding your finances is crucial when you’re on the move. To mitigate the risk of losing your funds, it’s advisable to distribute your cash across multiple secure locations, such as your moneybag, pockets, backpack, and more. This strategic approach not only provides a safety net in case of loss but also ensures you have access to funds even if one source becomes inaccessible.

31. Save on Data Roaming by Utilizing Hostel Wi-Fi:

Maximize your cost savings and internet speed by switching off data roaming and relying on the high-speed Wi-Fi offered at hostels. This practice not only conserves your data plan but also ensures you can enjoy seamless connectivity during your stay.

32. If You Get Lost, Follow These Steps:

If you find yourself disoriented in an unfamiliar place:

  1. Stop: Take a moment to halt your movement. Staying still can help you regain your bearings.
  2. Think: Reflect on your last known location and any landmarks that may guide you back on track.
  3. Observe: Pay attention to your surroundings, sun, sounds, signs, and people. You might spot clues or encounter friendly locals who can assist you.
  4. Plan: Chart a route or seek out a tourist information center where you can get guidance. Additionally, mobile GPS apps or dedicated GPS navigators can be invaluable tools for finding your way in unfamiliar territory.

Remember, getting lost can lead to unexpected discoveries and memorable experiences, so stay open to the adventure of travel.

Safety Tips for travelers for getting lost while traveling

33. Tap into Local Insights via Facebook Groups:

Utilize Facebook groups tailored for your travel destination. These online communities are invaluable resources where you can seek advice from locals who know their area inside out. Personally, I find this approach incredibly useful. Locals are well-equipped to offer recommendations for hotels, restaurants, local delicacies, must-visit spots, affordable rentals, transportation details, and precise directions. It’s not just about getting travel tips; it’s also an opportunity to connect with like-minded travelers and make new friends within these groups.

34. Carry a High-Capacity Power Bank:

A high-capacity power bank is an invaluable travel companion, ensuring your phone remains charged while on the move. This device is especially indispensable during travel because, even if you bring your phone charger, various unforeseen issues can arise.

35. Essential Packing List:

When preparing for your journey, make sure to include these items:

  • Passport
  • Clothing
  • Travel Pillow
  • Earplug and Eye mask
  • Snorkel Equipment
  • Phone charger and Portable charger
  • Flip Flops (for hostel bathrooms)
  • Water Bottle
  • Power Bank
  • Universal Charger
  • Water Filter Straw
  • Socks
  • Flight Compression Socks
  • Soap
  • Tooth Brush/Paste
  • Underwear
  • Sunscreen
  • Medications and Painkillers
  • Waterproof raincoat
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Any necessary paperwork

This comprehensive packing list ensures you have the essentials covered for a smooth and enjoyable trip. Read Vacation Express’s Ultimate Packing List.

36. Notify Your Bank When Traveling Abroad:

Prior to international travel, it’s essential to inform your bank of your plans. Failing to do so could result in your transactions being blocked. Banks closely monitor transactions for unusual activities, and a lack of notification might trigger security measures that impact your access to funds while abroad. So, a quick call or message to your bank can help ensure hassle-free financial transactions during your trip.

37. Enhance Communication with Local Phrases and Google Translate:

Boost your ability to communicate with locals by using Google Translate and memorizing key phrases in the local language. Familiarize yourself with basic expressions such as:

  • “I am from _”
  • “Yes”
  • “No”
  • “Ok”
  • “How do I find the train/metro/bus?”
  • “Where is the bathroom?”
  • “Can you direct me?”
  • “Where is?”
  • “I’m lost.”
  • “Hello”
  • “Goodbye”
  • “Thank you!”
  • “Do you speak English?”

This simple practice can greatly enrich your travel experience and facilitate interactions with the local community. Click here to learn essential phrases for your desired languages.

38. Pack a Travel First Aid Kit:

One of the most critical items to have on any journey is a well-equipped first aid kit, as it’s a safeguard for unforeseen situations. Ensure your travel first aid kit includes essentials like Paracetamol (Pain killer), adhesive bandages, small bottles of Dettol or Savlon, cotton balls, bandages, Pudin Hara (for indigestion), anti-flu tablets, Cipladine (for minor cuts and burns), Moov (for muscle pain), and Avil (for allergies). This comprehensive kit can provide peace of mind by offering the necessary remedies for common travel-related health concerns (This is a highly recommended travel tip).

Taking First-aid-kit is crucial for travelers

39. Keep the Local Tourist Police Contact Handy:

In most tourist destinations, you can find a dedicated tourist police force. To ensure your safety, it’s prudent to keep their contact number readily accessible and inform them of your travel plans, including the places you intend to visit. This proactive approach can provide an added layer of security and assistance during your exploration.

40. Familiarize Yourself with Local Laws and Penalties:

Before visiting any foreign country, it’s crucial to acquaint yourself with their legal regulations, which may differ from those in your home country. Understanding local laws ensures that you respect the rules and avoid any inadvertent legal complications during your travels.

41. Opt for a Scarf with a Hidden Zipper Pocket:

For female travelers, a scarf with a hidden zipper pocket serves as a practical accessory to safeguard your valuables such as money, mobile phone, passport, or other essential items. You can conveniently purchase one of these scarves to ensure your belongings stay secure and within easy reach while on the go.

Every women traveler need to take a Scarf with a Hidden Zipper Pocket. Travel tips for women

42. Double-Check Your Camera:

Before embarking on your journey, it’s essential to thoroughly inspect your camera and its associated gear. Pay special attention to the battery, memory card, and charger. Prior to packing, snap a few test photos to verify that everything is functioning as expected. This precautionary step helps guarantee that your photography equipment is in proper working order. It’s a practice I personally follow to avoid any photography hiccups on the road.

43. Invest in a Waterproof Backpack or Suitcase

Acquiring a waterproof backpack or suitcase is a wise choice for your travels. It’s essential to ensure that your chosen luggage has ample space to accommodate all your necessities. This ensures that your belongings remain dry and secure, no matter the weather or destination.

44. Carry Spare Bank and Credit Cards:

It’s a prudent practice to carry an additional bank card and credit card when traveling. This precaution can be a lifesaver in situations where your primary card is blocked or lost. I vividly recall an incident during my mountain hiking trip on ‎Friday, ‎October ‎20, ‎2023, where a fellow traveler from the Czech Republic encountered payment issues due to a blocked card. Having a spare card on hand ensures you’re prepared for unexpected financial hiccups during your journey.

45. Seek Information from Hostel Staff, Even if You’re Not a Guest:

Don’t hesitate to approach hostel staff for information, even if you’re not staying there. The knowledge and insights they possess about the destination are invaluable, and you can generally count on them to provide honest and helpful guidance. Their local expertise can enhance your travel experience, regardless of where you choose to stay.

46. Avoid Eating in Touristy Areas or Near Tourist Attractions:

Steering clear of dining in heavily tourist-frequented areas is a savvy choice. Not only can it save you money, but it also increases your chances of savoring more authentic and delicious local cuisine.

Avoid eating in Touristy Areas or Near Tourist Attractions is a budget friendly travel tips

47. Secure Advance Tickets for Attractions:

For cost savings and convenience, it’s advisable to pre-book your tickets to attractions well in advance, ideally 1-2 months ahead of your visit. This strategy ensures you can access the sites you want to explore without last-minute hassles and often comes with discounted rates.

48. Obtain Travel Insurance for Added Protection:

Investing in travel insurance is a prudent choice to safeguard against various risks that may arise during your journey. This coverage can include protection against losses like passport or personal belongings, as well as compensation for lost checked-in baggage. By having these potential risks covered, you establish an additional layer of financial protection, providing peace of mind throughout your travels.

49. Uge Luggage Tag:

Luggage tags offer numerous benefits for travelers, including clear luggage identification, reduced loss or mix-up risks, and quicker contact in case of mishandling. Additionally, they aid in baggage recognition and personalization.

50. Smile and Connect:

When you have questions for the locals, don a warm smile. A simple smile not only fosters a positive atmosphere but also encourages friendly interactions. It’s an effective way to convey your approachability and connect with others while seeking information or assistance.

Women is smiling while starting to connect with locals
Photo by Zen Chung

51. Use VPN

Using a VPN while traveling provides enhanced online security and privacy, protection against geo-restrictions and censorship, and the ability to access secure and private connections. It also helps you bypass price discrimination and access blocked content, making it a valuable tool for a safer and more versatile online experience during your travels.

52. Avoid taking Clothes That Need Ironing

Avoid the hassle of bringing clothes that demand ironing during your travels. Not only does this save you from lugging an iron around, but it also frees up precious time for exploration in your new destination. The solution is straightforward: pack clothing items that are known to be wrinkle-resistant, ensuring a more enjoyable and hassle-free journey.

53. Rise Early to Beat the Crowds and Extend Your Day

Have you ever wondered how fellow travelers capture those breathtaking photos with no one else in the frame? The secret lies in the art of early rising. When you’re one of the first to arrive at your destination, you’ll relish the peaceful solitude before the crowds descend. It’s a time of serene excitement, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the surroundings. Follow this travel tip to enjoy a unique landscape.

One of the Best travel tip is to walk-up early in the morning
Photo by Karolína Balogová

The added bonus of starting your day early is the extra time it grants you to explore and savor every moment. In my trip, I never compromise on the joy of waking up early.

54. Avoid Currency Exchange at the Airport

Seasoned travelers are well aware that changing your currency at the airport is seldom a wise choice. Airports typically offer exchange rates that are less favorable compared to other local options. To maximize your money, it’s advisable to seek currency exchange services outside the airport, ensuring you receive a more competitive rate for your foreign currency.

55. When Using a Driver’s Service, Document the Car, License Plate, and Driver’s Information for Safety

In unfamiliar territory, trust can be scarce, and it’s essential to stay vigilant. When relying on a hired driver, take precautionary steps to ensure your safety. Capture images of the driver, the vehicle, and its license plate. These visual records can serve as a safety net, providing critical information in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

56. Embrace Eco-Friendly Practices and Reduce Waste

Caring for our planet is an ongoing responsibility. Throughout your journey, prioritize waste reduction in various ways. A simple yet impactful step is to carry a reusable water bottle, eliminating the need for frequent purchases of single-use plastic bottles. By consciously minimizing your trash and embracing eco-friendly habits, you contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious travel experience.

Don't throw bottle or any trash in any touristy spot.

57. Be Open Minded and Don’t Judge Other Cultures

A common misstep among travelers is passing judgment or displaying insensitivity when exploring new destinations. It’s crucial to remember that you’re a visitor, not a resident, and cultural differences may arise as you encounter unfamiliar customs. By embracing open-mindedness and showing an understanding of diverse ways of life, you not only enhance your own travel experience but also contribute to positive cultural exchanges.

58. Be a conversation starter:

Don’t be shy; traveling is an excellent opportunity to make friends. Engaging with new people can be much more accessible and enjoyable than in your daily routine. Strike up conversations with fellow travelers and locals alike, as it’s a fantastic way to make fast friends and create lasting memories.

Travel tips to boost enjoyment

59. Savor the Beauty of Slow Travel

Slow travel isn’t just economical; it offers an all-encompassing, enriched experience. It provides you with the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a new culture and way of life. You’ll find a profound sense of relaxation while sightseeing and exploring a foreign land.

There’s nothing more disheartening than the stress of attempting to cover all the must-see sights in a single day, only to rush through them without truly savoring or connecting with what you’re visiting. Over the years, I’ve discovered the value of taking my time rather than hurrying through a destination. The leisurely approach allows for a deeper connection with the places you visit, making your journey far more rewarding.

60. Keep Your Legs Active During Long-Haul Flights

Many travelers tend to underestimate the risk of developing blood clots in their legs during extended flights. It’s crucial to keep your feet in motion.

I’ve experienced leg swelling a few times, and it’s far from pleasant. Wearing compression socks during long-haul flights and taking periodic strolls around the cabin can be immensely helpful. If you prefer to stay seated, you can also perform simple leg exercises to keep your circulation flowing.

Taking care of health is highly recommended travel tips

If you found these travel tips helpful, please share them with your friends and family. Follow us on Instagram and Pinterest to stay updated to get more tips and tricks. If you have additional travel tips to share or spot any mistakes in this article, kindly let us know. We’re committed to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of fellow travelers during their journeys. Safe travels!

Written by Sheikh Mubashwir

Greetings! I'm Mubashwir, a creative graphic designer and a specialist in social media management with over 7 years of experience. Professionally, my passion lies in crafting and curating captivating social media content. However, personally, I'm an avid explorer of new destinations. I firmly believe that life gains its true meaning through the magic of travel. Join me on this exciting journey of creativity and wanderlust!